23 research outputs found

    Some problems in combinatorial topology of flag complexes

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    In this work we study simplicial complexes associated to graphs and their homotopical and combinatorial properties. The main focus is on the family of flag complexes, which can be viewed as independence complexes and clique complexes of graphs. In the first part we study independence complexes of graphs using two cofibre sequences corresponding to vertex and edge removals. We give applications to the connectivity of independence complexes of chordal graphs and to extremal problems in topology and we answer open questions about the homotopy types of those spaces for particular families of graphs. We also study the independence complex as a space of configurations of particles in the so-called hard-core models on various lattices. We define, and investigate from an algorithmic perspective, a special family of combinatorially defined homology classes in independence complexes. This enables us to give algorithms as well as NP-hardness results for topological properties of some spaces. As a corollary we prove hardness of computing homology of simplicial complexes in general. We also view flag complexes as clique complexes of graphs. That leads to the study of various properties of Vietoris-Rips complexes of graphs. The last result is inspired by a problem in face enumeration. Using methods of extremal graph theory we classify flag triangulations of 3-manifolds with many edges. As a corollary we complete the classification of face vectors of flag simplicial homology 3-spheres

    Uniqueness of graph square roots of girth six

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    We prove that if two graphs of girth atleast 6 have isomorphic squares, then the graphs themselves are isomorphic. This is the best possible extension of the results of Ross and Harary on trees and the results of Farzad et al. on graphs of girth at least 7. We also make a remark on reconstruction of graphs from their higher powers

    Combinatorics of the change-making problem

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    We investigate the structure of the currencies (systems of coins) for which the greedy change-making algorithm always finds an optimal solution (that is, a one with minimum number of coins). We present a series of necessary conditions that must be satisfied by the Values of coins in such systems. We also uncover some relations between such currencies and their sub-currencies

    Comparing minimal simplicial models

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    We compare minimal combinatorial models of homotopy types: arbitrary simplicial complexes, flag complexes and order complexes. Flag complexes are the simplicial complexes which do not have the boundary of a simplex of dimension greater than one as an induced subcomplex. Order complexes are classifying spaces of posets and they correspond to models in the category of finite T 0-spaces. In particular, we prove that stably, that is after a suitably large suspension, the optimal flag complex representing a homotopy type is approximately twice as big as the optimal simplicial complex with that property (in terms of the number of vertices). We also investigate some related questions

    Note: The Smallest Nonevasive Graph Property

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    A property of n-vertex graphs is called evasive if every algorithm testing this property by asking questions of the form “is there an edge between vertices u and v” requires, in the worst case, to ask about all pairs of vertices. Most “natural” graph properties are either evasive or conjectured to be such, and of the few examples of nontrivial nonevasive properties scattered in the literature the smallest one has n = 6. We exhibit a nontrivial, nonevasive property of 5-vertex graphs and show that it is essentially the unique such with n ≤ 5

    Vertex decompositions of two-dimensional complexes and graphs

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    We investigate families of two-dimensional simplicial complexes defined in terms of vertex decompositions. They include nonevasive complexes, strongly collapsible complexes of Barmak and Miniam and analogues of 2-trees of Harary and Palmer. We investigate the complexity of recognition problems for those families and some of their combinatorial properties. Certain results follow from analogous decomposition techniques for graphs. For example, we prove that it is NP-complete to decide if a graph can be reduced to a discrete graph by a sequence of removals of vertices of degree 3

    VIPER, a student-friendly visual interpreter of Pascal

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    We introduce VIPER, a visual interpreter of Pascal, designed to help both the teachers and the students of an introductory programming course. The main innovation of VIPER is the ability to display typically encountered data structures (e.g. trees, lists) in an intuitive way. This, and other usability improvements, have been designed specifically to meet the needs of future users. The interpreter is aimed mostly at small scale programming exercises, and lets the user edit and run portions of code step-by-step with all the needed values being displayed in a suitable manner

    Algorithmic complexity of finding cross-cycles in flag complexes

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    A cross-cycle in a flag simplicial complex K is an induced subcomplex that is isomorphic to the boundary of a cross-polytope and that contains a maximal face of K. A cross-cycle is an efficient way to define a non-zero class in the homology of K. For an independence complex of a graph G, a cross-cycle is equivalent to a combinatorial object: induced matching containing a maximal independent set. We study the complexity of finding cross-cycles in independence complexes. We show that in general this problem is NP-complete when input is a graph whose independence complex we consider. We then focus on the class of chordal graphs, where, as we show, cross-cycles detect all of homology of the independence complex. As our main result, we present a polynomial time algorithm for detecting a cross-cycle in the independence complex of a chordal graph. Our algorithm is based on the geometric intersection representation of chordal graphs and has an efficient implementation. As a corollary, we obtain polynomial time algorithms for such topological properties as contractibility or simple-connectedness of independence complexes of chordal graphs. These problems are undecidable for general independence complexes. We further prove that even for chordal graphs, it is NP-complete to decide if there is a cross-cycle of a given cardinality, and hence, if a particular homology group of the independence complex is nontrivial. As a corollary we obtain that computing homology groups of arbitrary simplicial complexes given as a list of facets is NP-hard